Mr. Oopsey Daisy and I dressed up like Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head! This easy tutorial can be adjusted for children! It’s easy to make a Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head costume for Halloween or any dress up party!

I sewed our costumes in 1 afternoon, and they were a piece of cake. Are you ready to learn how to make your own?
Let’s get started!
I did a few measurements on my husband including:
*Distance from shoulder to shoulder
* Waist circumference
*Distance from neck to knee

I purchased 2 ⅓ yards of tan felt–that’s 84 inches!
Once I folded it in half lengthwise, I had my Mr. Potato Head! He just needed a little trimming! So I followed the measurements above to cut out an A-line shape. 

At the top of the fold, I found the center, and I cut out a 6-inch semi-circle to create the hole for the head.

Next, I cut out Mr. Potato Head’s eyes, nose, mustache, mouth, and ears from felt. (I studied pictures of Mr. Potato Head while I did this.) I pinned these on to the front of Mr. Potato Head.

Next, I sewed the facial features right on to the front. (Be sure to unfold the felt at this point.)

Then I pinned the right sides together. But before sewing the sides together, I folded up the bottom edge by ½ inch.

I pressed the fold to create the casing for the elastic. Here is a quick run-down… 

Once I had the elastic sewed in, I sewed up the sides. 

I left the top 13 inches unsewn for the arm holes. Just underneath the arm holes, I sewed in ears on each side. 

In the back, I cut a 4-inch slit and sewed on Velcro to close it up. This gives a little breathing room for slipping it on and off.

I think this Mr. Potato Head is pretty handsome! 🙂

And here is my Mrs. Potato Head version!
So our family is all set for Halloween, and I can’t wait!
More Costumes:
DIY Peacock Costume Tutu Tutorial
Comments & Reviews
Alison says
Thanks for having me, Andrea!!
Julie says
Thank you so much!! I was in a pinch for some Mr. & Mrs. Potato Heads and your step by step instructions, diagram & pictures made it so easy for us to make both costumes in a day!!
Thanks again!
BMiller says
This is awesome! Thank you. My daughter’sname is Alison and my youngest is Daisy. I thought it was interesting your name was Alison and your blog was Oppsie Daisy! 🙂 this is what they are being next year!!
Debby says
Thank you!!! Kids are singing a song from Toy Story and need “toy” costumes – your idea helps me SO much!!
Debby says
(For school)
Yaneth Romero says
Thank you so much for this DIY. Was the 2 yards you bought for one costume or two? I want to make one for my hubby and one for me. I have never sewn other than when I was sewing masks during the pandemic but I am highly motivated to make these costume with your awesome DIY.