Sometimes a simple bed just needs a little something to make it go from boring to fabulous. I bet you can guess that involves a ruffle, of course. Friends, adding a ruffle to a sheet is probably the easiest project you can ever do. This ruffled sheet tutorial seems almost unnecessary but here it is!
Seriously, this so easy you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it earlier.
Get Started!
You’ll need a strip of fabric at least 4″ wide by about twice as wide as your sheet. The longer it is, the rufflier your ruffle will be. This ruffle I made was 4″ wide but I think next time I’d cut it wider. You will most likely be using fabric that is not long enough so sew your strips, right sides together, to make the really long piece.
Finish the two ends by ironing a ¼″ hem or just use pinking sheers or a serger. These ends WILL show at the edge of your sheet.
Fold your piece in half. You can finish the long raw edge now or after you ruffle. I’ve include the “after” instructions below.
Use a ruffler foot or a long stitch to ruffle your fabric.
For a more professional finish fold and iron any raw edges up so they will be between the sheet and the ruffle. Then sew two stitches. One on the edge of the ruffle, attaching it to the sheet. Another ¼″ away trapping the raw edges between the sheet and ruffle. (sorry not pics of that!)
I think this would look fun in a larger or even a little smaller ruffle. I’m also imagining a double contrasting ruffle– smaller ruffle over a bigger ruffle. Need something to go with your new ruffled sheet? Check out this duvet I made as well!
What do you think?
Comments & Reviews
Jessica at Me Sew Crazy says
I love this Andrea! So simple, yet so perfect! Just fabulous!
Andrea @ The Train To Crazy says
Thanks Jessica!
Stephanie @ Henry Happened says
I love it! It’s pretty simple and the effect is great on the bed and room!
Jess at SewSet says
A few things, first off – you know I love this tute! I featured it as one of the top patterns today on SewSet.
Secondly, I love love love your new blog design!
And lastly – Go To Patterns looks fantastic! I also put the Signature Dress and Bev’s purse on the top patterns today as well.
Everything is looking wonderful! So happy for you!
Hope you are having a great day!
– Jess
Sue says
Thanks a lot that was simple and easy to understand. Will do it today.